Free Training
3 Hours to Your BIG Idea
Struggling to identify your BIG idea? Learn how to focus on what matters most and choose an idea that will give you the lifestyle and financial independence you've always wanted.
In this free course, you’ll learn:
- How to identify where your passions & expertise intersect
- How to leverage feedback from those closest to you
- How to narrow your ideas down so you're not overwhelmed
- How to weigh the pros and the cons for each of your ideas
- What questions to ask yourself when reviewing your ideas
- How to make a decision and move forward with ONE BIG IDEA
- How to turn your BIG Idea into Real Revenue
How to identify where your passions & expertise intersect
First step to finding your BIG idea is figuring out where your curiosities and passions overlap with your skills and expertise. In this module we'll walk through the Zone of Fire exercise!

How to leverage feedback from those closest to you
What we know about our own curiosities and passions and our skills and expertise is important, but it's also important to understand what others think about our skills and expertise. In this module we'll walk through the 3 Peeps exercise!

Your Top 3 Zones of Fire
Now that you've gathered some amazing insights and brainstormed several ideas to pursue, it's time to choose your top 3.

Pros and Cons
There will always be pros and cons to everything, and in this module we'll be reviewing how to weigh the pros and cons for each of your top 3 ideas.

A Walk
Some of my biggest ah-ha moments have come during walks; it's time allow your mind to settle and for clarity to arrive.

Your Decision
We tend to overthink things, and procrastination is fear of failure in disguise. In this module we'll talk about how to make your BIG decision!

Turn Your Big Idea into Real Revenue
You've identified your Zone of Fire and you have your BIG idea, now it's time to DOMINATE. In this module we'll talk about your next step: turning your big idea into real revenue.